Friday, January 28, 2022

Shabbat Concepts and Shabbat Box

Dear Families,

This week in the Peach Room our friends began to explore concepts related to 
Shabbat. Morah Ora explained that after Hashem worked so hard to create our beautiful world, he needed to rest on the seventh day. Shabbat is an important time to rest, pray, and spend time with our families and loved ones at the end of each week. We don't go to school or work. We might bathe and brush our hair and wear our nice dress clothes. A big feast is prepared. We light the candles and say a blessing called Kiddush over the grape juice and Challah bread. As a class we also read several storybooks including, 1,2,3 Shabbat, Shalom Shabbat- A Book for Havdalah, and My First Shabbat Board.

Dramatic Play    
Our friends worked together to set up for Shabbat. After they were done we all took turns pretending to light the Shabbat candles, pour the grape juice in cups, and "cut" the Challah. On Shabbat we eat with our friends and family as we enjoy each other's company.

Sensory Table Activity
Our table was filled with water and washing cups, and we had fun practicing pouring the water from cup to cup and over our hands. We said the bracha, natilat yadaem, which all our friends remember from circle time!

This week week our friends practiced counting candles and kiddush cups. Some of our friends could count up to 15!

Shabbat Box
Our friends painted Shabbat boxes, and as they were working we noticed their preferences for both specific tools and color. Liran preferred green to all the other colors and covered her entire box with paint. Etai liked brown and only painted a small part of his box before deciding he was finished. Aria enjoyed experimenting with the texture of the paint on her skin and watched the colors change when she mixed them. Alma chose her favorite color, blue, and used the paint roller to apply the paint onto her  box. Leeann, Asher, and Audrey had so much fun of mixing all the colors and asked morah for more colors. Lief and Kai enjoyed using roller brushes to roll the paint on the box. We had such fun with all the different colored paint!

In the next  couple of weeks we will continue learning in depth about Shabbat and making special projects to put inside our Shabbat boxes.

This week we added a new song to our Shabbat songs - “Days of the Week”
Yom Rishon, Avoda
Yom Sheini, Avoda
Yom Shlishi, Avoda avoda
Yom Riviee, Avoda
Yom Chamishi, Avoda
Yom Shishi, Avoda Avoda
Yom Shabbat Menucha
Yom Shabbat Menucha
Yom Shabbat Menucha Menucha

On Sunday we work work work
On Monday we work work work
On Tuesday we work work work, work work work
On Wednesday we work work work
On Thursday we work work work
On Friday we work work work, work work work
On Shabbat we all rest 
On Shabbat we all rest
On Shabbat we all rest, rest rest rest.

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky

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