Friday, November 19, 2021

Kindness & Thanksgiving

Dear Families,

Our class has been practicing using kindness with our friends and Morahs. We talked about the mitzvos that our friends do at home and practiced using mitzvah hands, mitzvah feet, and our mitzvah mouth at school. 

Discovery Table
Our friends continued investigating pumpkins. They really enjoyed scooping out pumpkin seeds using spoons. It was very interesting for morahs to observe our friends and see how long they can concentrate on this activity. Our friends explored their work for a good 30 minutes! When we were done scooping pumpkins seeds, each friend put them on a plate, and we counted how many each had.

Liran had 30 seeds
Asher had 35 seeds
Leif had 30 seeds
Audrey had 25 seeds
Aria had 10 seeds
Alma had 10 seeds
Leeann had 33 seeds

Spice Exploration
This was a class favorite! We used our senses of smell, sight, and touch to explore and create a scent collage with spices. Our friends had a chance to smell each of the spices. They then decided which ones they wanted to use to create their own scent collage by drizzling glue on hard paper and pouring spices over the glue.

We hope to see you at the Thanksgiving Picnic Brunch next Wednesday at 9:00am! 

Next week will be short, but busy. We will be working on our heirloom project to be sent home at the thanksgiving brunch.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky

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