Thursday, May 20, 2021

Project and good bye school year of 2020-2021

Dear Parents,

 This week we focused on our last project of this school year! It will be displayed at the Moving Up Ceremony on Thursday.

This year's graduation theme is "Twinkle, Twinkle, You're a Star" from Conscious Discipline:

Twinkle, twinkle little star,
what are wonderful  child you are.

Every child is unique. Every child has different version of learning, exploring, and discovering what is around them.
Our friends were invited to do a science experiment on their unique star placed on a canvas.
First we brushed glue around our star. Then we took salt to sprinkle. Next we squeezed water colors with eye droppers on top and watched the paint spread.
Some friends enjoyed sprinkling the salt and even tasted it! Some friends enjoyed squeezing the eye droppers.

As we wrap up our school year, next week will be a short but busy week as we practice for moving up ceremony performances, and complete our projects. Thursday morning you are invited to attend our graduation celebration at 11:00am and our school year will come to a close with a 12:30pm dismissal. 

To our dear parents, thank you so much for a great year!

Shabbat Shalom
Have a great  summer! 
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya

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