Thursday, May 20, 2021

Project and good bye school year of 2020-2021

Dear Parents,

 This week we focused on our last project of this school year! It will be displayed at the Moving Up Ceremony on Thursday.

This year's graduation theme is "Twinkle, Twinkle, You're a Star" from Conscious Discipline:

Twinkle, twinkle little star,
what are wonderful  child you are.

Every child is unique. Every child has different version of learning, exploring, and discovering what is around them.
Our friends were invited to do a science experiment on their unique star placed on a canvas.
First we brushed glue around our star. Then we took salt to sprinkle. Next we squeezed water colors with eye droppers on top and watched the paint spread.
Some friends enjoyed sprinkling the salt and even tasted it! Some friends enjoyed squeezing the eye droppers.

As we wrap up our school year, next week will be a short but busy week as we practice for moving up ceremony performances, and complete our projects. Thursday morning you are invited to attend our graduation celebration at 11:00am and our school year will come to a close with a 12:30pm dismissal. 

To our dear parents, thank you so much for a great year!

Shabbat Shalom
Have a great  summer! 
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya

Friday, May 14, 2021


 Dear Parents,

 This week in the Peach Room we introduced another Jewish holiday: Shavuos.

On Shavuos, we celebrate Hashem giving us the Torah on Har Sinai. Our friends were able to create their own beautiful Har Sinai out of foam tear, flowers, and rocks. It was so fun to see their imagination explode with their creations!  It is great sensory exploration for our friends to feel and mix all the different textures.

We celebrate Shavuot by decorating our home with flowers to remind us of how Hashem adorned Har Sinai with flowers. In the sensory table we had water, vases, and measuring cups. Our friends practiced their hand-eye coordination by filling their measuring cups and pouring water into the vase without spilling  water. This is also an exploration into math concepts related to volume.
With  discussion about the Torah this week, our friends took a trip to the big shul to see where we keep our big Torah full of mitzvahs.
We all give the Torah a kiss.

Another discussion this week was about how, on Shavuot, we take brake from meat, and we eat dairy instead. We made our own homemade ice cream! We used ice cream salt, milk, and vanilla extract. We put all the ingredients into a zip-loc bag full of ice and shake, shake, shake, shake! While we were shaking our bags we had music and movement with the song, "Hashem is Here." When we were done making ice cream we ate, and it was delicious! We heard some discussion about our friends experience: 

Ice is cold. 
I cant wait to taste!
I want ice cream!

It was so much fun to discover and explore about the holiday of Shavuos. Please remember that there is no school on Monday or Tuesday next week to observe Shavuos.

Shabbat Shalom & Happy Shavuos,
Morah Ora & Chaya. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Happy Mother's Day!

 The Peach room has been learning all about babies this week! We filled our sensory tub with a bubble bath and gave our babies baths. We have tried our hand at changing our babies diapers, changing their clothes and bundled them up and put them to bed. All of this play with our babies has sparked other ideas for pretend play and we've taken our babies shopping, taken photos of our babies and put our babies to bed. Some of our friends have even engaged in play with roles ("I'm the mommy and you be the sister.")  We also learned the baby song, about putting the baby to bed and then taking care of  her when she wakes up. We take turns deciding when the baby needs to go back to sleep (a new diaper, a kiss, a bottle...).

As Mother's Day approaches we have been reading books about Mommies. Mommy and Me, Are You My Mother, and Teeny Weeny Looks for His Mommy are favorites. Mommy and Me has sparked some discussion about what we like to do with our mommies.

 We've also enjoyed working on a special project for our own mothers this week  to show them how thankful we are for them. 

With everything blooming outside, our friends really love to smell the flowers and bring them to the morahs. We thought it would be so nice to make something with flowers. Our friends picked some flowers in our playground, then we stuck them to sticky papers to create a sun catcher. Last, the morahs added a travel bracha so our mommies could hang it in their cars to travel safely.

Another project we did this week was painting picture frames using rolling paint brush with different textures. Then we added a picture with our mommies into it.

We ended our week by making Mother's Day cards with our hand prints; some friends even choose to use finger tips.

 We would like to thank you for your thoughtful kindness during Teacher Appreciation Week. Working with your children is engaging and joyful for us and we thank you for all of your support!  

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Mother's Day!
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya.