Friday, April 30, 2021

Our friends have been busy making final preparations for our  CJP Family Shabbos Morning.  We worked so hard on completing our Shabbos Box projects which were on display and sent home with them on Friday. As Morahs, we provided the provocations and materials for each of these projects, but they are truly the product of your child's creativity, preferences and work. Each one turned out so uniquely and beautifully. We are proud of their hard work and hope you will be too!

The project of this week was making a challah cover .To cover our challahs on our Shabbos tables.
Peach room friends hung up their challah covers and sprayed tie dye all over to create beautiful splatter art. Then they stamped the word "Shabbos" on them. 

While our friends were doing all of the steps for their Shabbos box preparation, Morahs were busy documenting each step of our friends work. Based on documentation, we are created a Shabbos book inspired by the book Is It Shabbos Yet? Asked Malkie. Our book looks fantastic, and we are happy to share them with you to treasure forever.

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya

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