Friday, April 30, 2021

Our friends have been busy making final preparations for our  CJP Family Shabbos Morning.  We worked so hard on completing our Shabbos Box projects which were on display and sent home with them on Friday. As Morahs, we provided the provocations and materials for each of these projects, but they are truly the product of your child's creativity, preferences and work. Each one turned out so uniquely and beautifully. We are proud of their hard work and hope you will be too!

The project of this week was making a challah cover .To cover our challahs on our Shabbos tables.
Peach room friends hung up their challah covers and sprayed tie dye all over to create beautiful splatter art. Then they stamped the word "Shabbos" on them. 

While our friends were doing all of the steps for their Shabbos box preparation, Morahs were busy documenting each step of our friends work. Based on documentation, we are created a Shabbos book inspired by the book Is It Shabbos Yet? Asked Malkie. Our book looks fantastic, and we are happy to share them with you to treasure forever.

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya

Friday, April 23, 2021

Shabbos Box

Dear Parents.

This week in the Peach Room our friends began to explore concepts related to 
Shabbat. Morah Ora explained that after Hashem worked so hard to create our beautiful world he needed to rest on the seventh day. Shabbat is an important time to rest, pray, and spend time with our families and loved ones at the end of each week. We don't go to school or work. We might bathe and brush our hair and wear our nice dress clothes. A big feast is prepared. We light the candles and say a blessing called Kiddush over the grape juice and Challah bread. As a class we also read several storybooks including, '1,2,3 Shabbat", "Shalom Shabbat- A Book for Havdalah" and "My First Shabbat Board Book". 

Our friends worked on making their own Shabbos candle holders. We squeezed tea light candles inside air dry clay to make the shape of a candle. Then our friends decorated the candle holder with gems.
Another Shabbos project that we did was painting Kiddush cups with acrylic paint.

Next week we will continue learning about Shabbos and making our very own Shabbos challah covers.

Shabbot Shalom,
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya

Friday, April 9, 2021

Welcome back! Welcoming Marlowe to our Peach Room!

Dear Peach Room Parents!

Welcome back; we hope you enjoyed some time off with your families! Our peaches were so happy to be back together, and we started off our week with lots of very sweet hugs hello!

After being away for just over a week, our friends eased back into their school routine smoothly. We kept our focus on interactions and gentle reminders to help support them through this.

This week we are welcoming a new boy to our class: Marlowe .
Our friends were so happy to play with him and walk him around the classroom to show him all of the fun areas and toys to play with. They even helped him to get familiar with our daily routine. At circle time the children wanted to share their music instruments with him. They made him to feel so comfortable around new friends!
We returned many times to drawing with markers this week. 

When we paint, scrabble, or draw we are learning:

To develop our imagination.

Fine motor skills to hold the brush or marker.

The names of colors and how to make new ones.

To identify and create different shapes.

To express our feelings and our ideas.

About symmetry and balance.

Avigail  reminded our friends that we draw on the paper not on the table or chairs :) Way to go Avigail! 

Shabbat Shalom!!
Morah Ora & Morah Chaya.