Friday, December 14, 2018

Dear parents, this week in the peach room we chose to explore the cold season - winter!! 

     At the beginning of the week we had ice in the sensory table. Our friends enjoyed scooping the ice into the buckets and listening out for the sounds it made. Angie said “It’s cold, my hands are cold” and some of our friends started repeating “It’s cold!” After some time of exploring the tools, we added salt to the ice. Each of our friends took turns adding salt. We discovered that the salt stuck to the ice! The salt also made the ice crack but it didn’t fall apart. 

     We made snow! 
     Another activity we did to explore the cold was making snow!  We made it by using baking soda and hair conditioner. We molded snowballs and crushed the snow between our fingers. We also pretended that we were playing in snow (pillow stuffings.) Our friends threw the snow in the air and watched it fall. Yehonathan and Ella had so much fun rolling around in the snow! Then we added some foam to the snow stuffing, and our friends liked the noise of crushing the little foam pieces under their feet.

     Morah Ora brought some scarves and mittens to our play area. Morah Ora said “It’s freezing in the Peach Room, let’s put on some scarves and gloves!” Our friends took turns to get their scarf and their mittens from the bucket. They even matched the mittens together! What a fun week of winter exploration!

     Can you make a snowflake?
     We used q-tips to create our own snowflake shapes. Madison was focusing while she was using the q-tip, she didn’t even get her hands dirty in paint! Ella, Hailey, and Yehonathan chose to use their hands to create hand print snowflakes.

     We would like to thank Hailey’s mom for giving the Peach Room a wonderful Hanukkah present!

     Dear parents, we can’t wait to see you at parent - teacher conference on Wednesday! 

     Good Shabbos! - Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

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