Friday, August 31, 2018

Greeting peach room parents!

Rosh Hashana is almost here...

This week we began Rosh Hashana exploration through the discovery Rosh hashana table.
Our friends took turns looking through the magnifying glass to build their own experience with the material we had on the discovery table.  Our friends blew the shofar and they were so curious about the different sounds each of them could make. We had green and red apples to taste, and we tasted to see which one is sweet and which was sour and then we dipped them in the honey to have sweet new year.

Art Project
Our friends created a beautiful decorations for the class room to bring in Rosha Hashana spirit.  We used paint stamps and stickers.  Our friends had the opportunity to pick the color they like. Angie picked brown, Ella picked yellow, Hailey picked red, and Madison picked purple.  We also made Shana Tova cards for our loving grandparents.  We had so much fun using our apple stamps that we made from real apples .

Sensory table

In our sensory table this week we enjoyed washing apples and practicing the bracha ha-etz before we eat them.  

The Rosh Hashana songs we've been singing this week are:

To the tune of 'The Wheels on the Bus':

"The Shofar in the Shul goes toot-toot-toot
toot-toot-toot toot-toot-toot
The Shofar in the Shul goes toot-toot-toot
on Rosh Hashana morning."

To the tune of 'Oh my Darling Clementine'
Dip the apples in the honey 
Make a bracha loud and clear
L’ashana tova umeasuka 
have a happy sweet NEW YEAR !

Looking forward to next week as we explore more about Rosh Hashana by baking Honey Challah and making our own Honey Jar!

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora

Friday, August 24, 2018

This week in the Peach Room we learned all about ourselves.  Each friend had the opportunity to look in to the mirror and look at themselves.  We talked about what color everyone's eyes are and we pointed to our nose, ears, and mouth.  We counted our fingers and toes.  We used paint stamps to stamp our hands and feet on the paper to see the size of our friends hand and feed.

Art Project
Each child created a hand shaped ring holder.  First our friends made a hand print on the clay.  Next, Morah Ora cut out the handprint that they made.  We let it dry and the next day our friends picked different colors to paint them with!

Peach Room Family Tree
 We painted a canvas with coffee filters to create a texture that looks like tree bark for our tree trunk. Our friends used their fingerprints to create leaves for our Peach Room tree.

Sensory Exploration
Our sensory bin was filled with different materials made of different textures and we enjoyed using our hands and fingers to see how each one feels.

Please look at the Facebook Group to see pictures of all of these activities!

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora

Friday, August 17, 2018

This first week of school has been a great opportunity for all the teachers and students to start building a foundation of trust to have a successful school year. Exploring new environments and establishing new routines can be scary and take some getting used to. Entering this new journey with love and patience for all is key to success. 

Our friends where so excited to explore all of the centers in the classroom: the sensory bin, kitchen, library, slide and much more. 
Learning where all of the materials go and where each center is and making sure everyone feels loved and safe are our main goals for the next couple of weeks. 
Our friends were also introduced to our classroom pets, Mr fishy-fish and lemon-bird.  Our friends get so excited when they hear the lemon-bird chirp and they repeat after him:) 

From this week, the awesome Rabbi Tzvi has been coming into everybody's classrooms and blowing the shofar so that we can participate in the Mitzvah of hearing the shofar each morning in the month of Elul. We all love to hear the sounds that come from the Shofar. 

Thank you for trusting us to guide your little ones. 
Shabbat Shalom! 
Morah Ora. 

Please see the private CJP Family Facebook Group for more pictures of our week!