Friday, January 12, 2018

Introducing Shabbat

This week in the Peach Room our friends began to explore concepts related to Shabbat. Morah Ora explained that after Hashem worked so hard to create our beautiful world he needed to rest on the seventh day. Shabbat is an important time to rest, pray and spend time with our families and loved ones at the end of each week. We don't go to school or work. We might bathe and brush our hair and wear our nice dress clothes. A big feast is prepared. We light the candles and say a blessing called Kiddush over the grape juice and Challah bread. As a class we also read several storybooks including, '1,2,3 Shabbat", "Shalom Shabbat- A Book for Havdalah" and "My First Shabbat Board Book".

We started our week by painting our Shabbos Boxes. As our friends were working we noticed their preferences in tools and colors. Guy preferred green to all other colors and covered his entire box with paint. Gavin liked orange at first, but then enjoyed mixing all of the colors and using his hands rather than the paint brushes or rollers. Shyli also enjoyed experimenting with the texture of the paints on her skin and how the colors changed when mixed. Caleb chose his favorite color, blue, and used the sponge applicator once he determined the paint brushes weren't as efficient at covering his box. Angie chose orange and definitely preferred using a brush as she didn't like the feeling of paint on her hands. Leah mixed all of her colors and loved using a combination of brushes, rollers, sponges and her hands to apply the paint. Ronan wanted to paint the inside and outside of his box with a brush and he chose mostly green paint as well. This was a fun and messy project they all enjoyed!

This week we worked on using their pincer grasp. Pincer grasp is an important fine motor skill used for day to day things like gripping a pencil or using silverware. We started out by using hand over hand to help them place the cranberries or raisins on the "challah" loaves using fingers, then worked up to using plastic tweezers. By the end of the week it was exciting to see most of them had mastered some level of this skill. We extended this provocation by helping them count the raisins both in English and Hebrew. Then they were rewarded by eating them- yum!

Today we worked with friends to create their candle holders for their Shabbos boxes. In the sensory table they scooped colored sand in to small glass jars. Again, they selected the colors, order and how much sand they wanted to use as they layered it into their jars. We asked them to tell us which colors they wanted and which they were using as we worked. Then they helped squeeze glue onto the top and stick the foil funnel into the sand and glue, completing their candle holders! While this project was related to Shabbos, our big idea, we also worked on hand-eye coordination and learning colors. They turned out beautifully and we can't wait to send them home once their Shabbos Boxes are complete!

With so many friends not feeling well this week, Morahs have been working to disinfect our classroom and toys. We want to wish Refuah Shlaima to all our friends who are still home sick, we miss you and hope to see you back next week!

Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

Upcoming Events:
Family Yard Day Sunday 1/14 starting at 12:30pm
Shabbos Dinner Friday 1/19 starting at 5:15 pm
Grandparents Day Wednesday 1/31 starting at 9:30am

Wish List Items:
Gallons of drinking water to refill children's water cups
Clorox wipes
Plastic spoons and forks

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