Friday, October 20, 2017

Noahs Ark and Animal Exploration

Dear  parents

Welcome back after high holidays, we are happy to see each other and be back on our regular routine.

Routines and Schedules

Our  friends  are  growing  up  and  developing  new  skills  everyday.  When  we  start  to  sing  the  clean  up  song  our  friends  right  away  know  to  put  the  toys  back  where  they  belong!  Then  we  start  to  sing  the  choo  choo  train song and our  friends  already  know  to  sit  down,  and  wait  for  the  Morah  to start  davening  with  them.  They  know that before  we  eat  snack  or  lunch we need to wash hands with soap.  Our  friends  know  when  it's  time  to  go  outside that we  should  put  our shoes  back  on.  When  they  see  there  cots  ready  for  them,  they  know  its  time  to  nap.   Creating a predictable routine is so important for children, and helps them know what to expect in their environment.  Feel free to look at our visual pictorial schedule hanging up outside of our classroom!

                                                           Noah's Ark

 This  week  Morah  Ora  made  a  make-shift  ark  out  of  cardboard  boxes  to  teach   our  friends
about  Noah's Ark  and  we  would  go  inside  and  pretend  we  are  floating  through  the  waves .


We  enjoyed  learning  about  animals  and  the  sounds  they  make . Caleb excitedly repeated  every sound  Morah   made.  Shyli, Guy and  Leah  really  liked  the  animal  matching  puzzles.  Our  friends  use stamp pads to stamp animals and to explore  their foot prints .  After  learning  about  animals  we  were  ready  for  our  petting  zoo.  We  saw  different  kinds  of  animals  at  our  petting  zoo (ducks,  chickens, llamas and goats)  The  children  loved  playing  with  the  animals. They  were  all  curious  and  gentle.  Caleb  brushed  some  of  the animals. Shyli  loved  touching  and  talking  to  every  animal. Guy  loved  to  look  at  all  the  animals.

Next week we will continue learning even more about different types of animals!

Shabbat shalom
Morah Ora and Morah Courtney

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