Friday, May 12, 2017

This week in the Peach Room we welcomed Jemma to our class. She comes each day full of enthusiasm and adds great zest to our day.

Our dramatic play with baby dolls has continued to evolve this week. Everyone has had a hand at caring for a baby (or two or three). We have been giving the babies bottles, changing their clothes, rocking them to sleep and doing more check ups!  We were able to add some life-like baby dolls to our classroom which have been very appealing to all of our friends.

We've continued preparing for Mother's Day with some special projects, stories and conversations about our mommies.This is one topic everyone has something to say about!

It was welcome relief to have cooler weather this week and we relished our outdoor time. We spotted airplanes and dragonflies, took turns on the slide and watched (even joined) some of the elaborate play of the older children. We looked for bugs, explored the yard, rode bikes, played in the water and built with blocks.

As our class grows, our friends are relating to each other and seeking each other out more and more. They inquire if someone is absent and remark if someone is sad. As their budding language and awareness of self and other develop we are noticing a growing sense of community together.

We wish you all a Happy Mother's Day!

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