Friday, May 19, 2017


This week in the Peach Room we've been exploring bugs. We began the week with a bug hunt outdoors. We spotted lots of ants and found one beetle that we were able to observe. We noticed that it was black and red and that it had wings. In the sensory table we dug in soil and found butterflies and worms (plastic).  We read books about all kinds of insects including "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carl. We listened to some bug songs and Mina and Scarlett danced to a recording of "Butterfly, Butterfly".  We sang "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"  and "I'm Bringing home a Baby Bumblebee".

This week we were so excited to have Morah Ora's canary in our classroom. Our friends observed it each day with wonder, noticing its color, sounds and how it ate and drank.

Outdoors we had great fun in the sprinklers.Some friends touched the spray tentatively with their hands while others ran through it with delight. Mina led calling out, "Come on friends!". Eventually everyone was quite wet! As usual there was lots of gathering water in containers and pouring it out. A puddle formed in the grass and of course everyone gravitated to it to splash, pour and sit!

Our class has grown and changed so much in the last weeks and it's hard to believe the year is coming to an end. We look forward to one last week together!

Morah Ora uploaded lots of pictures on the private Facebook group so please check them out there!

Friday, May 12, 2017

This week in the Peach Room we welcomed Jemma to our class. She comes each day full of enthusiasm and adds great zest to our day.

Our dramatic play with baby dolls has continued to evolve this week. Everyone has had a hand at caring for a baby (or two or three). We have been giving the babies bottles, changing their clothes, rocking them to sleep and doing more check ups!  We were able to add some life-like baby dolls to our classroom which have been very appealing to all of our friends.

We've continued preparing for Mother's Day with some special projects, stories and conversations about our mommies.This is one topic everyone has something to say about!

It was welcome relief to have cooler weather this week and we relished our outdoor time. We spotted airplanes and dragonflies, took turns on the slide and watched (even joined) some of the elaborate play of the older children. We looked for bugs, explored the yard, rode bikes, played in the water and built with blocks.

As our class grows, our friends are relating to each other and seeking each other out more and more. They inquire if someone is absent and remark if someone is sad. As their budding language and awareness of self and other develop we are noticing a growing sense of community together.

We wish you all a Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Peach room has been all about babies this week! We filled our sensory tub with a bubble bath and gave our babies baths. We have tried our hand at changing our babies diapers, changing their clothes and we've bundled them up and put them to bed. All of this play with our babies has sparked other ideas for pretend play and we've taken our babies shopping, taken photos of our babies and put our babies to bed. Some of our friends have even engaged in play with roles ("I'm the mommy and you be the sister.")  We also learned the baby song, about putting baby to bed and then taking care of him or her when she wakes up. We take turns deciding what the baby needs to go back to sleep (a new diaper, a kiss, a bottle...).

As Mother's Day approaches we have been reading books about Mommies. Mommy and Me, Are You My Mother  and Teeny Weeny Looks for His Mommy are favorites. Mommy and Me has sparked some discussion about what we like to do with our mommies. We've also enjoyed working on a special project for our own mothers this week .

With the weather getting hotter we decided to pull out the bounce house for some of our activity time as well as playing in the water outdoors. We have painted, played with trucks, sung lots of songs and as always, looked at many books. (The library continues to be a favorite spot for our class!)

We would like to thank you for your thoughtful kindness during Teacher Appreciation week. Working with your children is engaging and joyful for us and we thank you for all of your support!

We look forward to a new week!

Morah Ora and Morah Sydney