Friday, April 7, 2017

We have a new friend in the Peach room. Tzippy has joined our class. We are so glad to have her with us and she is so happy to be at school!

This week as Pesach approaches, we made place mats to bring home. We painted them with sponges and brushes and added our hand prints and pictures. We've been curious about the pictures of the pyramids of Egypt that are on our wall and we molded "pyramids" of sand in the sensory table with orange cones and sand. In our play kitchen area friends have been busy putting matzah in our afikomen and we've played a game of hiding the afikomen and finding it. And in our classroom library we're becoming familiar with Pesach items with our Pesach counting book ( 1 cup, 2 hagadahs, 3 matzos...)

This week dress up was popular in the dramatic play area as was caring for teddy bears and dolls. We painted rocks, made moon sand and did finger plays with finger puppets as well.

This was a busy week and it flew by quickly! Thank you to Morah Shoshona for helping out in our room these last two weeks. And a very heartfelt thanks to the Luedy family for the wonderful stacking toy which they donated to our classroom. It is getting lots of happy use!

We look forward to seeing you all after break!

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