Friday, May 20, 2022

Goodbye school year of 2021-2022

Dear Families,

This week we focused on our last project of this school year! It will be displayed at the Moving Up Ceremony on Thursday.

Because of the holiday, Shavuos, is so close to our ceremony, we decided to relate our project to this beautiful holiday.

On Shavuos, we celebrate Hashem giving us the Torah on Har Sinai. Har Sinai was so different from other mountains. Our friends were able to create their own beautiful Har Sinai on canvas.

We first used sand and glue to create the mountain. We enjoyed the sensory experience and strengthened our gross motor skills by picking the sand up from the bowl and sprinkling it. Some friends preferred to pour the sand directly onto the canvas.

We then took baskets and went on a nature walk to collect flowers. We loved pointing out the colors, feeling the leaves and smelling the different kinds of flowers. We picked the flowers that we liked and our friends helped each other fill up their baskets.

We took the flowers that we picked and dipped them into glue, then stuck them on the canvas. It was fun to watch the  different types of flowers react differently. Some flowers got stuck in the glue and we had to pull them out, some of the leaves stuck together and we got our hands dirty to separate them.

It was amazing  to see their imagination explode with their creations!  It is great sensory exploration for our friends to feel and mix all the different textures.

As we wrap up our school year, next week will be a short but busy week as we practice for the Moving Up Ceremony performances and complete our projects. Thursday morning you are invited to join us in celebration at 9:30 am.

Dear Families,

Due to a family event  I will be not be attending our special day, but Morah Rivky will be here and guide our friends through the special performance. I apologize that I cannot be here with all of you. I will see my friends at summer camp and I will be around throughout the new school year and see them grow more and more.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful year!

Shabbat Shalom and have a great summer break,

Morah Ora & Morah Rivky










Friday, May 13, 2022

Dental Investigations

Dear Families,

This week we learned all about dental health! The magic number was two. Our friends learned that they can take care of their teeth by brushing them with toothpaste twice a day- once in the morning and once at night for two minutes. The dentist is a doctor that helps us keep our mouths and teeth healthy; we should visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and a check up.

Some of the fun projects we did this week were brushing laminated paper "teeth" to clean off the dry erase marks or "sugar bugs" using real toothpaste and toothbrushes. Our peaches loved the dental set with clay and play dough! Then they brushed their own teeth with brand new tooth brushes and took turns using a mirror. We counted our teeth in the mirror too. As we worked, we talked about brushing on the top and bottom, on their gums, all the way in the back, and even their tongues. And finally, they enjoyed painting with toothbrushes. This was an exploration of important self care (although they probably all still require your help or supervision to brush teeth)!  We sang songs and read books all about brushing teeth and going to the dentist too.

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky

Friday, May 6, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day!

As Mother's Day approaches we have been reading books about Mommies. Mommy and Me, Are You My Mother, and Teeny Weeny Looks for His Mommy are our favorites. Mommy and Me has sparked some discussion about what we like to do with our mommies.

We've also enjoyed working on a special project for our mothers this week  to show them how thankful we are for them. Our friends made hearts using paint rolling brushes and blue, white paint. They chose to mixed colors and rolled paint brushes on a piece of paper. On top, we put a cut out heart and, it looks like a 3-D heart. We hope you love our projects!

We ended our week by making Mother's Day cards with our hand prints; some friends even choose to use finger tips.
Dear Parents!
 We would like to thank you for your thoughtful kindness during Teacher Appreciation Week. Working with your children is engaging and joyful for us and we thank you for all of your support!  

Shabbat Shalom 
Morah Ora & Morah Rivky