Friday, September 17, 2021

High holidays

Dear Parents,

Over the past two weeks our friends explored two more big holidays! 

For Yom Kippur we learned about the importance of saying please, thank you, and sorry. We practiced our manipulative skills by putting coins in the tzedakah box while learning how to give to others. Our friends each got their own tzedakah box and a pile of coins, and we practiced putting in one coin at a time, making sure to keep the rest of our coins safely on the table. We listened to the coins drop in and noticed how the sound changed based on how full the box was. 

For Sukkos we built and explored our classroom's own sukkah! Each friend had a chance to sit inside, look through the leafy roof and play with friends. We then went outside to a life-size sukkah and experienced what it was like to sit outside and celebrate. 
We worked as a team to make a sukkah decoration. Each child got a palm branch and dipped it into paint, which they then dabbed onto a big piece of cloth, creating a unique design. We practiced shaking the lulav in all four directions, symbolizing how Hashem is everywhere.

Shabbat Shalom and happy holidays!

Morh Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Shana Tova U’Metuka

Dear Parents.

We are so excited to welcome our new friend, Aria, to our classroom!

This week we continued to explore and learn about Rosh Hashana.  
Dramatic Play
In our dramatic play area we had a fish tank with Mr. Fishy on the table, and we practiced doing Tashlich!  During Tashlich we throw away any of the not-so-nice things we may have done to the fish and say sorry for any bad things we may have done.

Discovery Table

Our friends learned about bees, flowers, and honey.

We spoke about how the flowers benefit bees by providing them with the food bees need. Bees feed on nectar and pollen of flowers.

Nectar is the sweet liquid that flowers produce. Then we spoke about how bees need flowers to make honey.
While our friends were invited to the discover table, Morah explained to our friends that we dip challah in the honey to have sweet new year.

On Rosh Hashana we bake round challah because they do not have a beginning or an end. This symbolizes that the blessings that come from Hashem to us, should be constant and never-ending.  

Rosh Hashana Project

Morahs gave our friends foil pan, baking brush, honey and challah dough rolls. Each of them chose how many rolls they want to have on baking foil and we counted them! . Then our friends dipped their baking brushes in to sticky honey and glazed the challah dough. 

Our friends tried hard not to taste  the dough and lick the honey.

A big thanks to Rabbi Dietsch for coming and blowing the shofar every day. We love to hear the sounds of the shofar, and we cant wait until Rosh Hashana is finally here!

Dear parents, we want to wish you
Shana Tova Umetuka and Shabbat Shalom
Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, &  Morah Chaya.