Friday, August 27, 2021

Rosha Hashana Exploration

Dear Parents,

Our friends are getting adjusted very well! We all got to know each other a little better over the week. In the morning our friends are so happy to see each other and ready to play.

Rosh Hashana is almost here...

Discovery Table
This week we began Rosh Hashana exploration through the Rosh Hashana discovery table. Our friends took turns looking through the magnifying glass to build their own experience with the materials we had on the discovery table.  Our friends blew the shofar, and they were so curious about the different sounds each of them could make. 

This week  our friends also made Shana Tova cards for our loving grandparents.  We had so much fun using our apple stamps that we made from real apples to decorate the cards.

Sensory Exploration:
On Monday and Tuesday  in the sensory table we had apples, oats, and scoops.  Our friends use scoops to scoop the oats and hide apples with the oats .Then we counted how many apples there were in the sensory table in English and Hebrew. 

 On Wednesday and Thursday we enjoyed washing apples and practicing the bracha ha-etz before we eat them.  

The sensory table allows our friends to enrich their vocabulary. By adding new materials and allowing them to explore and discover, we learn new words.

Another sensory experience that we offered the children this week was when we had green and red apples to taste. We tasted to see which ones were sweet and which ones were sour. Then we dipped them in the honey to have sweet new year.

Music & Movement:
The Rosh Hashana songs we've been singing this week are:

To the tune of 'The Wheels on the Bus':

"The Shofar in the Shul goes toot-toot-toot
toot-toot-toot toot-toot-toot
The Shofar in the Shul goes toot-toot-toot
on Rosh Hashana morning."

To the tune of  'Oh my Darling Clementine'
Dip the apples in the honey 
Make a bracha loud and clear
L’ashana tova umeasuka 
have a happy, sweet new year!

Looking forward to next week as we explore more about Rosh Hashana by baking Honey Challah!

Shabbat Shalom,
 Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Our First Week of School!

 Dear Parents,

This first week of school has been a great opportunity for all the morahs and students to start building a foundation of trust to have a successful school year. Exploring new environments and establishing new routines can be scary and takes some getting used to. Entering this new journey with love and patience for all is the key to success. 

The Routine
At the beginning of the day, the morahs greet each friend  at the classroom door with hugs and by saying, "Hello." Then we help each friend  by put their belongings away in their designated spot, wash hands, sign in and get to work. Establishing a routine so that children feel safe and comfortable to explore their own environment is the goal for this week and next week.

Classroom Exploration

Our friends were so excited to explore all of the centers in the classroom: the sensory bin, kitchen, library, slide and much more. 

Liran spent a lot of time in the art area. She drew some art work for our art wall.

Audrey and Leif had fun going up and down the slide .

Kai played with small balls and threw them in a bucket.

Asher loved spending time on the carpet playing and stacking cups.

 Group Project
Along with free exploration our friends came together and sat down for a group activity.  We incorporated some literacy with art.  Our friends used different color paint dots and markers to create a background for our English alphabet chart. We will hang up their work in the circle area for our friends to sing with and learn from.

Thank you for trusting us to guide your little ones. 

Shabbat Shalom! 
Morah Ora, Morah Rivky, & Morah Chaya.