Friday, April 12, 2019

Dear Peach Room Parents!

As we continued preparation for Pesach, there was much to explore and investigate this week. Our focus was on the Seder meal and the meaning of each element included in this special meal. Morah Ora created individual Seder plates for each child to match like a puzzle.

Our friends also made grape juice using mallets and smashed the grapes as we talked about how we drink four cups of juice/wine with the Seder. The mallets were loud when they accidentally struck the table rather than the grapes. Some friends liked this sensation and continued doing it purposely, while others covered their ears and preferred using their fingers to pinch. Then they literally got to enjoy the fruits of their labor and drank the grape juice!

Our friends also explored the taste of the bitter maror as well as celery dipped in salt water and Morah Ora explained that this was meant to remind us of the tears and hardships experienced by the Jewish people while in Egypt and as they made their way across the desert. Their reactions were so funny: some friends made funny faces as they bit into the maror while others really liked the taste of salt. Celery was a bit more familiar to most of our friends and some enjoyed the taste.

We continued to taste test Matzah this week as well and we all said it felt crunchy. By the end of the week, when we hid the Afikoman, and they took turns finding it, they were all exclaiming, “Matzah!”

Next week we are going to wrap up our Pesach unit with last Hagaddah steps.
Enjoy your child's Haggadah book!

Shabbat shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach

We will see you all after Pesach break!

Morah Ora and Morah Goldie!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Dear parents! 

We continued our exploration of Pesach with another action packed week. Our friends are creating their own pillows cases for Pesach. 
Our friends dipped their hands in purple and red paint colors and stamped their hands on the pillow case and created a beautiful pillow case with their personal hand prints.

Set the Seder plate 
Our friends were invited to take turns setting the Seder plate .This was a great activity to introduce some new Pesach vocabulary.  Morah Ora started off by pointing to each food on the seder plate and told us what each food was and the meaning behind special foods.  Zeroa or shankbone symbolizes the sacrifice of the lamb the night before the Exodus.  Beitzah or egg represents a pre-holiday offering.  Maror or bitter herbs reminds us to the bitterness the Jewish people were faced with in Egypt.  Charoset symbolizes the mortar and brick made by the Jewish people.  Karpas are the vegetables dipped in salt water reminding us of the salty tears cried while in Egypt.  After we went over these new vocabulary words our friends were invited to match each item to the  Seder plate.
Friends are continuing to explore the concept of constructing pyramids in two areas of our room: our sensory table with wet sand and trays/containers for brick making and also we use brown paint with sponges to create block patterns on the piece of paper in the shape of pyramids .
Please check our bulletin board to see how creative our friends can be!

Next week we are going to start exploring the concepts of a hagadah and  make our own to bring home so at the seder night our friends could follow the steps along with their families :) 

Shabbat Shalom Morah Ora and Morah Goldie