Friday, March 29, 2019

Dear Peach Room Parents

This week we began exploring the holiday of Pesach .We worked on cleaning our room and talked about the importance of cleaning away all of the Chametz or bread and breadcrumbs and other foods with yeast in preparation for Pesach. Our friends swept floors and scrubbed tables and washed all the dishes in the classroom with sponges.

This week we were busy with building pyramids with different materials. In the sensory bin we mixed sand and water and added ice cube trays to make bricks to build with.
At the table top we had paper shaped in pyramids and we use marble pieces and magna tiles to build too.  Our friends chose to build the pyramids in different directions like stacking marble pieces or sorting the magna tiles by colors.

We talked about how Pharaoh promised the Jews presents if they came to Egypt to help him build the pyramids. But he was mean and didn’t keep his promise. So they worked so hard and were not treated well. Hashem punished Pharoah and the people of Egypt by sending plagues- frogs, bugs, sicknesses and the brave Moshe stood up to Pharaoh and said, “Let my people go!” The Jewish people were finally able to leave Egypt! While they traveled through the desert they did not have time to use yeast and wait for their bread to rise and so Matzah was created from flour and water and it baked on their backs as they were traveling out of Egypt.

In dramatic play area we opened a Matzah bakery and all of our friends have been enjoying taking turns making matzah in our special matzah oven. Our friends have enjoyed listening to music and reading books about the story of Pesach this week as well.

We cant wait till next week to explore more about Pesach, the Morahs prepared so many different activities for our friends to do!

Shabbat shalom Morah Ora & Morah Goldie.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Dear Parents,
In the Peach Room we completed our second week of our Purim theme. Monday and Tuesday we decorated Purim crowns with stickers and pom poms.    Everyone enjoyed dipping pom poms in the glue!
On Wednesday  and Thursday we decorated masks with fathers and with some sequins .

In our sensory table this week we had loose parts and gift bags .From the past week we have been talking about the four mitzvos of Purim.  Last week we gave extra Tzedakah, this week we have been talking about the mitzvah of Shalach Manos, giving a gift basket to a friend.  Our friends filled the bags with different kinds and shapes of loose parts ,and they choose to who they want to give it. 

We learned a new song about Purim:

When we hear the name of Esther we clap our hands.
When we hear the name of Mordechai we say Hooray!!
 When we hear the name of king Achashverosh we turn around.
When we hear the name of Vashti we wiggle.
When we hear the name of Haman we stomp our feet.

Our friend love this song and movements.

Shabbat shalom and Chag Purim Sameach!
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dear parents!

What a fun week we had!

We began our exploration of Purim this week. We began by introducing the main characters of the Megillah: King Achashverosh, Queen Vashti, Haman, Queen Esther and Mordechai through finger puppets, dancing and storybooks. 

In dramatic play, Morah Ora created a castle and our friends painted walls of the castle in different colors .  We have added more dress up clothes. They have all had great fun playing dress up and looking at themselves in the mirror .

Sensory table.
Our friends explored rice, lentils and beans in our sensory table this week. Using funnels and bottles, they each created a gragger or noisemaker. They added some liquid water colors to the rice and some play rocks.We practiced shaking our graggers to make noise whenever they hear the name Haman.

During davening, we give tzedakah, but this week we talked about how this is one of the four mitzvos of Purim. We touched on the other three mitzvos: hearing the Megillah, sending food gifts to friends and hosting a festive meal. We will continue to explore more about Purim in the next couple of weeks.

Shabbot shalom!
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dear peach room parents!

This week we learned all about dental health! The magic number was two. Our friends learned that they can take care of their teeth by brushing them with toothpaste twice a day- once in the morning and once at night for two minutes. That the dentist is a doctor that helps to keep their mouth and teeth healthy and they should visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and a check up.

Some of the fun projects we did this week were brushing laminated paper "teeth" to clean off the dry erase marks or "sugar bugs" using real toothpaste and toothbrushes. Our peaches loved the dental set with clay and play dough! Then they brushed their own teeth with brand new tooth brushes and took turns using a mirror. We counted our teeth in the mirror too. As we worked we talked about brushing on the top and bottom, in their cheeks, and all the way in the back and even their tongue. And finally, they enjoyed painting with toothbrushes. This was a quick exploration of important self care (although they probably all still require your help or supervision to brush teeth)!  We sang songs and read books all about brushing teeth and going to the dentist.

Shabbat shalom 
Morah Ora and Morah Goldie