Friday, April 27, 2018

Animal Encounters

Greetings Peach Room Parents!

What an exciting week it has been! This week provided many rich opportunities for our friends to experience and interact with a variety of animals. A big, huge "Thank you!" to Morah D in the Purple Room for going above and beyond to bring these animals into our classrooms to share!

Monday our friends met Brownie, Morah D's dog and Trevor, Morah Felicia's guinea pig. They loved petting the soft fur of these mammals and even getting puppy kisses and sniffs. We talked about what these animals eat and compared whether they were loud or quiet. Tuesday we observed fish in a large new aquarium. Our friends helped feed them and watched them swim around. We read, "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" with our friends from the purple room. Wednesday we had a visit from some ducklings and baby chicks. We got to listen to the sweet little chirps and quacks they made. Each friend had to opportunity to hold a duckling in their hand as well as act as a perch for a chick. Our friends were so brave and especially delighted in interacting with the ducklings. Thursday was reptile exploration. Morah Ora brought in two very mellow tortoises who enjoyed a snack from the CJP vegetable garden. Morah D brought in two feisty little green lizards, who hilariously, would play dead every few minutes by turning on their backs and lying completely still with their mouths open. This was entertaining to our friends and got many giggles. Finally, we ended our week with some creepy crawly creatures. Two fat green hook worms, two hissing cockroaches, an earthworm and some crickets. Our friends were fascinated with these creatures. We've noticed most of our friends expressing an interest and enthusiasm for insects and bugs in both our indoor and outdoor environments so we are going to let them lead us on a more extensive exploration of insects and bugs in the coming weeks! Shyli is an expert bug spotter and will always exclaim, "It's a bug!" to let us all know!

We are continuing to enjoy water play outdoors with the warmer temperatures in full force this week! For next week, please bring your child to school already dressed in their water play clothes with sunscreen applied. Please also bring a hand towel or a child sized terry cloth robe/swim cover up. We will not be doing water play on Fridays.

Next week we are excited to be welcoming Madison and Ella to our Peach Room class! They are coming to us from the Yellow Room. Morah Anna will also being joining us to help ease their transition.

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

Wish List:
Plastic Spoons
Clorox Wipes
Gallon Drinking Water
Thank you Felicia and Ruben for the drinking water this week! Our friends appreciated it as they are all drinking more with the warmer weather!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Good Bye Guy!

Greetings Peach Room Parents!

This week we learned all about dental health! The magic number was two. Our friends learned that they can take care of their teeth by brushing them with toothpaste twice a day- once in the morning and once at night for two minutes. That the dentist is a doctor that helps to keep their mouth and teeth healthy and they should visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and a check up.

Some of the fun projects we did this week were brushing laminated paper "teeth" to clean off the dry erase marks or "sugar bugs" using real toothpaste and toothbrushes. Our peaches loved the dental set with clay and play dough! Then they brushed their own teeth with brand new tooth brushes and took turns using a mirror. We counted our teeth in the mirror too. As we worked we talked about brushing on the top and bottom, in their cheeks, and all the way in the back and even their tongue. And finally, they enjoyed painting with toothbrushes. This was a quick exploration of important self care (although they probably all still require your help or supervision to brush teeth)!  We sang songs and read books all about brushing teeth and going to the dentist.

Today we wished our friend, Guy, farewell. He and his family are moving back to Israel. We made a cake together this morning and our Shabbos Sing a long and party were in his honor. We will miss our good friend but we wish him well in all of his new adventures!

Next week we will be learning all about animals as pets. We will be joining the other classrooms to experience a real live pet each day! Please bring a picture of your child's favorite pet, it could be a relatives pet if you do not have your own or even a stuffed animal! We will be sharing them as a group.

Don't forget, the Book Fair begins Monday with Breakfast and a Book from 8-9 am if you want to bring your child. Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 there will be Popcorn and PJ's for Story time as well. 

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning and fun! Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

Wish List:
Plastic Spoons
Drinking Water

Friday, April 13, 2018

Welcome Back!

Greetings Peach Room Parents!

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed some time off with your families! Our peaches were so happy to be back together and we started off our week with lots of very sweet hugs hello!

After being away for just over a week, our friends eased back into their school routine smoothly. We kept our focus on interactions and gentle reminders to help support them through this. Although we did not work on any big projects, there were many opportunities for exploration and experimentation through both fine and gross motor provocations.

 Our friends explored a gross motor provocation with bubble wrap using their hands, feet, shopping carts and rolling pins. They walked, ran, jumped, squatted and sat on the bubble wrap. The shopping carts were most effective at giving that satisfying snap, crackle and pop they loved so much!

Fine motor explorations continued with loose parts play. It is fascinating to see what pieces capture their attention and how they find new ways to create with different combinations of objects. They also worked with clay this week. Exploring the cool temperature and smooth yet sticky texture, we used pipe cleaners, sticks and animals as our friends manipulated this unique material. Clay is also a great material for really building that hand dexterity too because it is much stiffer than play dough.

Water play dominated our week's sensory explorations both inside our classroom and, with the warmer temperatures, we were able to start offering water play in our outdoor environment again! Thank you for providing swim clothes/shoes for your child to participate! We will send them home with their nap bags at the end of each week if you want to leave them at school. As the temperatures become consistently warmer,please bring your child already dressed in water clothes with sunscreen applied, as we will be adjusting our schedule to go outside earlier in the morning.

You are all invited to our CJP's Open House and Petting Zoo this Sunday 4/15/2018 from 3-5 pm in our outdoor environment. Please spread the word and feel free to invite friends with preschool age children who might be looking for a Preschool for Fall. There will be a ton of fun outdoor activities including art, live animals, a small taste test of our garden vegetables and lots more! Hope to see you there!

Thank you for sharing your little ones with us everyday!
Morah Ora and Morah Lindsey

Wish List:
Plastic disposable spoons
Gallons of drinking water
A very special thank you to Adina and Michael for always donating items!

Upcoming Events:
Sunday April 15- CJP Open House 3-5 pm
Monday April 23- Book Fair Breakfast (bring your child for books and breakfast) 8-9am
Wednesday April 25-Book Fair Popcorn and PJ's from 4:30-5:30pm