Thursday, August 24, 2017

First Week of School!

Welcome to the Peach Room!

Our friends are continuing exploring our classroom and all of the new materials.  This year we have an art center, and Caleb is very interested in the chalk board.  He has been practicing writing 'C' the first letter of his name!

Shyli particularly enjoys the circle time area where we have a big wall maze. She also enjoys climbing in our new Toddler Loft.  Angie has been trying so hard to balance her body on the ramp/ slide.


Leah loves to spend her time in library area, where we have lots of cozy pillows and different types of books.

Of course, we can't forget our class room pets: a bird name Lemon and a beta fish named Mr Fishy. We love to feed them every morning.

Looking forward to exploring the kitchen, sensory table and outdoor area next week!

Have a wonderful Shabbat!
Morah Ora